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Нерадни дани у Амбасади Р. Србије у Бриселу/Neradni dani u Ambasadi R. Srbije u Briselu

Због државних празника Републике Србије и Краљевине Белгије,

Амбасада Републике Србије у Бриселу неће радити

25. и 26. децембра 2019. године

1. и 2. јануара 2020. године

и 7. јануара 2020. године

За хитне случајеве дежурни број Амбасаде је +3226498349.


En raison des conges officiels de la République de Serbie et l`Ètat du Royaume de Belgique,

l'Аmbassade de la République de Serbie à Bruxelles sera fermée

les 25 et 26 décembre 2019

les 1 et 2 janvier 2020

et le 7 janvier 2020.

En cas d`urgence, appeler le +3226498349.


Due to the state holidays of the Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Belgium,

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Brussels will not work

December 25 and 26, 2019

January 1 and 2 2020

and January 7 2020.

Emergency number for the Emergency is +3226498349.

Print version
24.04.2024 - Political consultations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs, Foreign Trade and Federal Cultural Institutions of the Kingdom of Belgium were held in Belgrade
22.04.2024 - Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Aleksandar Vučić at the UNSC session on UNMIK - April 2024
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13.12.2023 - "Responsible behaviour of Serbia in unstable circumstances"
23.10.2023 - Address of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia A. Brnabić at the session of the UN Security Council on the work of UMNIK
21.09.2023 - Statement by President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at the General Debate of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York
01.09.2023 - Delegation of the Volleyball Association of the Republic of Serbia visiting the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Kingdom of Belgium
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