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Visit Serbia



Working Hours
The Embassy: Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 16:30 hours

The Consular Section is open to public: 9:00 - 13:00 hours

For all information regarding travel documents (passports, travel documents, visas, etc.), certification of documents and other consular issues, you may contact us  by email at konzularno.brisel@mfa.rs or by phone every working day between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM at +32 (2) 649-8349.

In case of an emergency out of business hours, please call +32 (2) 647-2652.




Phone: +32 2 647-2652, 649-6545 Directions/Map
Consular phone: +32 2 649-8349 Jurisdiction
Fax: +32 2 647-2941 Honorary Consuls
E-mail: srb.emb.belgium@mfa.rs  
web: http://www.brussels.mfa.gov.rs  


Нерадни дан Амбасаде / Neradni dan Ambasade / Embassy closed

Обавештавамо да, због обележавања државног празника Краљевине Белгије, Амбасада Републике Србије у Бриселу неће радити 25. и 26. децембра 2024. године. За хитне случајеве, дежурни број телефона је: +32 2 649 83 49.

Obaveštavamo da, zbog obeležavanja državnog praznika Kraljevine Belgije, Ambasada Republike Srbije u Briselu neće raditi 25. i 26. decembra 2024. godine. Za hitne slučajeve, dežurni broj telefona je: +32 2 649 83 49.

Please be informed that due to the national holiday of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Brussels will be closed December 25th and December 26th, 2024. For emergencies, the phone number is: +32 2 649 83 49.


Scheduling appointments for the consular services, through the eConsulate portal

The Consular Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Brussels wishes to advise that, starting from August 15th, 2022, all appointments for consular services are required to be booked through the eKonzulat/eConsulate portal.

The eKonzulat may be accessed via the following web address https://ezakazivanje.ekonzulat.gov.rs . You are required to have an account and register for this service in order to make an appointment through eKonzulat.

Once you open the main page, you ought to select option "Schedule an appointment for consular service at diplomatic-consular missions" and select the country – “Belgium”, both if you reside in Belgium or Luxembourg.

A new page will open where you should select the option of scheduling one or more appointments. You should then select a specific consular service that is displayed in a drop down menu below. The eKonzulat will then offer available appointments for specific consular services. Please note that if the request for a certain consular service needs to be submitted by several family members, you must select as many appointments as there are persons requiring consular assistance. Additionally, if you require several consular services yourself, you ought to book separate appointments for each consular service (for example, if you need to sign a Power of Attorney and submit an application to renew your passport, you will have to book two separate appointments).

After selecting available time slots, you will receive a request to confirm the appointment that will be sent to the E-mail address that you submitted when registering on the platform. Please note that the appointment is tentative and will be booked only when you confirm by clicking on the link provided in an initial E-mail. The confirmation E-mail will be sent and will contain detailed instructions on the further procedure and the documentation you need to bring when attending your appointment. Please read these instructions carefully and thoroughly, and prepare all the necessary documentation before coming to the Consular Department of the Embassy. We will not be able to assist you if the supporting documentation is missing or invalid.

For your reference and in order to inquire on consular services provided, please visit the web site of the Embassy at http://brussels.mfa.gov.rs

If you experience technical difficulties and are unable to schedule an appointment online, please contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of Serbia by email at konzularno.brisel@mfa.rs or by phone at +32 2 649 8349 every working day between 13 and 16 hours.

Instructions on how to make an appointment on the YouTube website:


21.11.2024 - Screening of the film "78 Days" by Serbian director Emilija Gašić as part of the Mediterranean Film Festival "Cinemamed" in Brussels

We would like to inform you that the Mediterranean Film Festival "Cinemamed" will be held from November 28 to December 6, 2024 in the cinemas Cinéma Palace and Cinéma Aventure in Brussels.

As part of the festival, on November 29, 2024, starting at 7:00 p.m., the film "78 Days" by Serbian director Emilija Gašić will be shown in the Cinéma Aventure cinema.

Tickets can be purchased through the website www.cinemamed.be


30.10.2024 - Statement by H.E. Mr. Marko Djuric, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia on the Security Council Meeting: Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, 30 October 2024

You can view the statement by H.E. Mr. Marko Djuric, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia on the Security Council Meeting: Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo by clicking on the image above the text.


24.09.2024 - Statement by the President of the Republic of Serbia, H. E. Mr Aleksandar Vucic, at the Summit of the Future, held on 22 and 23 September 2024 at the UN in New York

To read the full Statement of the President of the Republic of Serbia H. E. Mr Aleksandar Vucic at the Summit of the Future held on 22-23 September 2024 at the UN in New York, please click  here.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Daily News 
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National Assembly

President of the Republic of Serbia

Serbian Government

Ministry of Foreign Affairs